Names below are hyperlinks, click on them to compose an e-mail to that person:
President: Jordan Wessels
Vice President: Walter Sullivan
(Interim) Treasurer: Dan Strycharz
Recording Secretary: Beth Matthews Peterson (and photographer)
Sergeant At Arms: Judy Gibbs
Archery Chair: Rick Rousseau
Brass Cartridge Chair: Toby Hogan
Buildings & Grounds Chair: Jordan Wessels
- Co-Chair: Don St. Armand
Entertainment: Joan True
Fishing: Dan Bastarache
Legislative & Public Relations Chair: Vacant
Lodge Facilitator: Judy & Wayne Gibbs
Membership Chair: William Mroz
Orientation Chair: Ed Burpee
- Chair: Adam Truesdale (trap)
- Co-Chair: Russ Lombard (skeet) at
Web Master: Ben England
If you aren’t sure who to send to, send to