Newsletter for December 2024

Happy Holiday!

Special Notices




Positions Open for Election


Vice President


Treasurer (see note below)





Membership renewal forms are available on our website: and in the Lodge, Pistol, Rifle Ranges and Clubhouse Building.   See the Membership section for additional information.


Stickney Lodge Stone Chimney Removal

The fire place has been 99% completed – thanks to Jordan Wessels and Walter Sullivan.  The remaining items are the mantle and slate floor in front of the fireplace.  Jordan and Walter deserve big thanks from the Club for completing this arduous task and making our Lodge look spectacular. 


Paul Lachance

YCFGA would like to acknowledge the passing of Paul Lachance.  Paul was a long term member of our Club and contributed greatly to the Club in many ways.  We wish to extend our sympathy to Paul’s family and friends.  He will be missed by many.


Important Alerts



The Office of YCFGA Treasurer is currently an OPEN position. Daniel Strycharz (past treasurer) has graciously offered to handle the Club’s finances until a new Treasurer has been selected by the Board of Directors. Dan has indicated he will not continue as treasurer in 2025, so it is imperative a replacement comes forward to takeover these responsibilities.  Moderate computer skills are required as Quicken software is used for record keeping, along with basic finance/budget understanding (if you manage your household budget/finances, you can perform the club treasurer activities). On average, the time commitment is about 1-3 hours a month in addition to attending the monthly board of directors and general membership meetings. Anyone interested in joining the Club’s Executive Board of Directors as the Club’s Treasurer should contact any of the members of the Executive Board Members or speak to Dan via email ( for more details about the responsibilities of this position.

Other Notices

Reminder:  There is no shooting at the ranges on Sundays before 12:00 noon. 


The Club and All Ranges, including the Muzzle Loader Range are Open.  See individual sections for more information.


It is required that members accessing Club property (range and Lodge sides) must display a valid membership ID badge.

The Club House Kitchen is open every Sunday from 11:00am to 1:30pm whenever the ranges are open.    



Request for Volunteers


BOD and/or General Meeting Highlights



Building & Grounds

The Club is scheduling a fall clean-up day on Saturday, December 14.  Please save this date and plan to meet at the Ranges to volunteer for this event.  There will be more details on the exact times and the items to be addressed in the December Newsletter.


We are still looking for some help with a few projects around the range.


We need volunteers to help clean the old skeet machine for resale.  Please contact (e-mail) Jordan Wessels at


As always we will continue to let members and the public to use our Lodge side property, but with this comes a responsibility to take care of our grounds and use some common sense.

Range News

Special Notice

There have been several incidences when the gate for the Range has been closed and locked when someone was still on the Range premises.  The rules concerning entry and exit of the Range and Lodge grounds are as listed below.


Note that the ranges are monitored 24/7.


  • Entry / Exit – Club Grounds

o   The numbers on all the locks must be set to numbers other than the combination upon opening the lock.

o   The main entry gate to the Club – ranges and lodge –  shall remain unlocked and opened while the grounds are occupied.

o   The gates must be restrained and secured while open.

o   All gates must be closed and locked upon exiting the property by the last member to leave the property.



Anyone who may need special accommodations when attending an organized shoot at the Range, the Club members running the shoot will do what is reasonably needed to provide safe modifications to ensure each member has the opportunity to participate.


Dogs on the range side of our property must be leashed at all times.

Our cameras are up and running 24/7.and have already proven to be very informative. Several incidences caught on camera have been addressed.

Another issue we are dealing with is folks stuffing cardboard backers in the trash barrels. There are wire mesh containers in both ranges for the used backers.  Also, the trash barrels don’t empty themselves, so when you see one getting full, please find others to help dump the debris in these containers into the dumpster.

Last of all, if you see anything that gives you concern for your safety or the club’s safety, please give me (Jordan) a shout or a text.

Muzzle Loader Range

The Muzzle Loader Range is open.  If there is any interest, special Sunday shoots can be scheduled.


Brass Cartridge

Brass cartridge shoots are scheduled for every Sunday starting at 12:00 noon. Sunday events consist of Pistol, Plate, Rifle, or Bowling Pin shoots.  See website for alternating schedule. There is a $4.00 fee for members and a $6.00 fee for non-members.


Our 25 Yard Range and 100 Yard range have target backers that are range specific, and there are posted rules for each. The use of wooden stands is prohibited on the 25 yard / Pistol range.  Pistol Range 20”x 20” backers are hung from the overhead cables on the provided lumber.

On the Rifle /100 yard range, use only club provided target stands with 24”x24” backers. Targets should be placed no closer than 50 yards from the bench.

Do NOT place any targets on the range floor or on the frame of the gong.

Stay OFF the Berms.




Trap / Skeet

Trap shoots are scheduled for every Sunday starting at 12:00 noon. Skeet shoots are scheduled for every Sunday starting at 1:00pm. . Both shoots will occur providing there are personnel to run the event and members that want to participate and weather permitting. Size 9 target loads for Skeet and 7.5-9 for Trap. There is a $4.00 fee for members and a $6.00 fee for non-members.  If we have 5 shooters for Trap, we place a white bird in the machine, and if you shoot the white bird on your turn, you win a coin for a free round or lunch.


There are no Wednesday Skeet shoots until further notice.



Indoor Archery shoots at the Lodge are scheduled for the first Tuesday evening of the month from 6:30-8:00pm. There is a $4.00 fee for members and a $6.00 fee for non-members.  Anyone who cannot attend a weekday shoot, please contact Rick Rousseau.


The Club has an opportunity to get a grant to upgrade our Archery range and grounds (around Round Pond) to be handicap accessible.  Rick Rousseau has volunteered to assist writing the grant.   Anyone interested in assisting Rick should contact Rick or Jordan.


Although we have an Archery Chairperson – Rick Rousseau, we still need a co-chair for Archery.   Anyone interested in being an Archery co-chair or the upcoming Archery events can contact Rick at  Note that chairs and co-chairs that attend at least 50% of general and board of directors meetings get free membership for the following year.



On behalf of the YCF&GA and the fishing committee, I’d like to thank our anonymous donor for the gift of a dozen brand new, still in the package Zebco Rod and reel Combos.  The member who did not want to be recognized for his generosity said to mention that they came from Dags Fish and Tackle in Auburn.  Thank you so much!

Tight Lines my friend!

Anyone who has fishing equipment in good condition that he/she would like to donate – for kids – please drop off these items at the Range Club House.


Dan Bastarache would like to form a well-staffed committee and is asking for anyone interested to contact him at

The Fishing Committee has tentatively scheduled the annual Kids’ Ice Fishing Derby for February 8, 2025 from 7:00 to 11:30am.

Indoor Shooting Events

See the Archery Section for information on Indoor archery shooting events.

Anyone interested in participating in Thursday evening air rifle shoots at the Lodge, please contact Jordan Wessels.



As of January 2025, Michael Gibney is stepping down as the Entertainment Committee Chairperson.  Anyone interested in assuming this Board of Directors position, please contact Michael Gibney.  We also still need a co-chair for the Entertainment Committee.

Note that chairs and co-chairs that attend at least 50% of general and board of directors meetings get free membership for the following year.  We do have several people who have expressed interest in the position.  Additional information will be included in subsequent newsletters.


Thank you to all who have volunteered to help in the kitchen on Sundays on a rotating basis.  We are in need of additional volunteers.  This volunteer work requires about 3 hours per shift.  Michael has put together a revolving schedule for the current volunteers.


Special Notice: In order to keep the kitchen open for every Sunday shoot, more volunteers are needed. 


The kitchen offers a limited menu of burgers, hot dogs, egg & cheese on an English muffin plus coffee, tea or soda.   Note that menu prices will be moderately increasing starting January 1, 2025.


Lodge / Rental

There are 2 rental events scheduled for January and 1 Cub Scout overnight scheduled for February.



Membership renewal forms are available on our website:  Completed Renewal Forms can be mailed or hand delivered to Bill Mroz (Membership Chairman) at any of the monthly general meetings.

All renewing members are requested to return a completed renewal form, purpose being to ensure our records are accurate with: name, address, phone, and especially email address.

****** Lifetime Members are excluded from filling out a Renewal Form unless you have changes.
Acceptable payment can be made via cash, check, and money order (made out to: YCFGA). Upon renewal, you will be sent your 2025 sticker with a new lock combination to immediately affix to your Badge/ID. It will arrive in a small white envelope with a return address from YCFGA, generally a couple weeks after receiving your renewal form.

Additionally, this year we are pleased to continue offering an electronic payment option via VENMO! For VENMO users, look for “York County Fish & Game Assn” in the Business section of Venmo and follow regular payment steps to send your renewal payment to YCFGA.
NOTE: For those using VENMO, you will still need to complete and send in a completed renewal form.

Mail completed renewal forms to:
York County Fish & Game Association ATTN: RENEWAL
600 Goodwins Mills Rd
Lyman, ME 04002

  *** If you have already submitted your renewal, “Thank you”!

Questions can be directed to Membership Chairman Bill Mroz (

Next New Member Orientation Classes are schedule for January 12, 2025 at 10:00am in the Club House.



By-Laws or SOP Changes


Training Classes

There are no training classes scheduled at this time.


2025 Acton Fair

Plans are already in progress for the 2025 Acton Fair and Rifle Raffle – scheduled for August 21-24. 2025.  We have already purchased the raffle item – a Rossi R-95 Caliber 45-70 Trapper Lever Action Rifle with Case & Accessories (ammo, ear & eye protection).  Tickets are 1 for $5.00 and 5 for $20.00 – and will be available for sale at the December General Meeting.


Upcoming Meetings


December General Meeting: December 26, 2024 starting at 7:00pm.


Next Board of Directors Meetings: January 13, 2025 at 6:30pm at the Club House.


Up-coming New Member Orientation: January 12, 2025 at 10:00am at the Club House.


January General Meeting & Annual Elections of Offices: January 30, 2025 starting at 7:00pm.


Your humble servants,